Friday, August 29, 2008

De jevu-is that how you spell it?

The kids didn't have school today so we headed to the...BEACH!! I know we've been a lot but, where else would we go? It was pretty cold, but the kids loved it and we got to hit the outlet mall before we got there. Children's Place had tons of 2.99 shirts, so we stocked up for next summer. I have never been good at shopping ahead of time. I worry about the sizes being right, and I just love seeing what new comes out. But 2.99, you can't pass that up. Then we went and picked up Mike's new car. It's a 2001 Volvo wagon. It's nice, I wish we could all fit in it. I guess we could throw Miles in the back.

1 comment:

The Crazy Heads said...

Does Miles want to be thrown in the back???? I remember riding in the trunk with my brother to church a couple of times because we didn't have enough room and look at me, I turned out all right....I guess.