Today is Mike and my anniversary. 10 YEARS, can you believe it! So I though it would be appropriate for me to share what I LOVE about this great guy. (these are not in order of importance).
-Mike is so intelligent, and he never makes me feel stupid. Most of you know I am not the smartest cookie, but Mike is always teaching me and answering my questions.
-Mike is such a hard worker (stop laughing family) he could never build me a house, or tear apart our car and put it back together, but how many people do you know who can work 40 hours a week, go to school full time, and fit in family time. And he makes it look easy!
-Mike has so many hidden talents that he shares with me and the kids.
-He is so fun to hang out with, We still laugh our heads off when were together.
-Mike never says anything bad about me. Even when we are fighting or upset with each other, I know Mike never complains to anyone about me, unless he is joking. I really like that.
-Mike is so creative and is romantic in a non traditional way. One time while we were at his parents he
snuck off and called our home answering machine and left me a message. I've never heard of someone doing that, so cute! The song on my
play list is another cute moment. He is always sending me songs from
youtube. This one, he sent telling me it made him think of me. It's one of my favorites now.
Okay, I could go on forever, and Mike is probably dying of embarrassment as he reads this, but, I love this man, and I am glad I get to be with him for Eternity. "Thanks Mike for the last 10 years, thanks for sticking around all this time."