Monday, January 31, 2011

It's Great To Be 8!

My sweet, sweet Griffin is eight! Sometimes I forget he's younger than the twins, he's always felt like part of the package.

Griffin wanted to just hang out at home for his birthday, including not going to school! It worked out that he had a Dentist appointment in the morning and then we just sort of forgot to take him back to school. Mike, Elliot and I took him out to lunch. Then he wanted to go to Barnes and Nobles and Toys R us. We just hung out and had a great day together.

For dinner we had the Huntings over (minus Steve) for pizza, cake, ice cream, and fun on the Wii. What a great day.
Thanks Hunting for partying with us.

Okay, this last collage needs an explanation. I printed off some funny photos of Griff and made captions to go with them. They were just a little something to make Griff smile on his birthday. He thought Mike did it (because this is totally something Mike would do.) and I felt flattered.
Some great facts about our Griffin:
-He wants to go to Harvarb someday. (no I didn't miss spell that on accident, he calls it Har-verb. Hilarious. Well, if Harvarb doesn't want him, I bet Harvard will!)

-He loves Science, Dinosaurs, Detective stuff, and Sports.

-He is such a great friend. Miles gets to be his best friend and I'm jealous.

-He has a big desire to be good and follow the rules. He is our peacemaker and loves when there is no fighting or yelling in our home.

-He is the boogeriest kid ever! I can always tell he needs to blow his nose. The other day he had a big crusty one hanging out, When I went to flick it, he said, "what are you doing? Picking my nose? This can be our game, pick my nose and I won't let you." He then started softly, but quickly hitting his head against our couch and said, "level 5" HA HA HA.
-Griff cracks me UP! And most the time he's not even trying to be funny! He is just a natural jokester.


The Crazy Heads said...

Happy Birthday GRIFF!!!!! Sorry we didn't get around to calling. Our intent was to call when Ryan got home from work, but my stepdad was working on the boys' room and the paint fumes were so bad we had to evacuate immediately. Hope Griffin had a great birthday. We love and miss you guys!

Kata said...

oh my! I can't believe he's 8! He's such a cutie!

I am laughing so hard that your kids said that the cake looks like it came from WM! I think it looks like it came from Carlos Bakery in New Jersey!

You are such a great mom! That one's going on the craft blog fo sure!