Saturday, January 1, 2011

A recap of our year.

Phew! Another year down and a few more to go till Mike is finished with school and we just might get to settle down somewhere. Luckily we are still having a blast living here on the East Coast. Here's a quick recap of the year... (mostly this is fun for me to reminisce).

Jan- I turned 31, Griff turned 7, and "Ell-J" turned 3. Mike also reached his goal weigh (and has kept it off the whole year.) Elliot also had her first trip to the dentist.

Feb- not much going on, except Valentines Day. I'm already looking forward to making Chocolate boxes for my valentines.

March-We had to bid farewell to the Titus family (but we love hearing about their Russian adventures), Grandpa Tom visited, Mike was put in to the Bishopric, and the snow finally left NH.

April-Baseball and Softball season started, we started the wonderful process of moving, and I booked our flights to Boise.

May-We moved into our new home (still known to us and all as the Titus home), Aunt Tracy moves to Maine (just for the summer), Grandma and Grandpa Peterson come to stay at Aunt Tracy's beach house, and Miles and Caleigh have their first piano recital.

June- Mike turns 33, and we play, play, play with family, and at the beach. We love Summer!

July- We play more at the beach, and then head to Boise, ID for a wonderful month long vacation. The twinners turn 9.

Aug.- We enjoy family and friends on our vacation, we head to Utah for time with Utah Petersons, Mike and I celebrate our 12th wedding anniversary, and the kiddos are back in school (didn't it just end?)

Sept.-Elliot starts dance class, and we get our annual visit from Aunt Tracy. Fall can begin!

Oct.- Miles runs for student council and wins, and we learn about 3 new babies that will be joining our family.

Nov.- We are truly blessed with family this month. G and G Peterson come to New England and we get to visit with them and enjoy a parade, Gpa and Gma Head celebrate Thanksgiving with us and we love having them.

Dec.- The whole month was spent enjoying the Christmas season. We served a little, laughed a lot, and remembered that our Saviour lives and loves us.

What a great year!!!

1 comment:

The Crazy Heads said...

You guys are so busy and are always having so much fun. Miss you lots!