Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ready to Rumble

In my attempt to keep my boys active and involved with sports, I signed them up for Basketball. Miles whined, until he found out his buddies were going to be playing too, then he was game. Griffin, wanted to play so badly he gave up half way through soccer season, because that's when Bball sign ups were. It's been a great program, with lots of involvement from the High School Basketball team and the usual "sporty" Dad's. Miles and Griff get so excited when they make a "hoop" (I don't know if this is a New England term or just Mile and Griffin. Ex: "Mom, I just made a hoop.") Isn't it "shooting hoops" Oh well.

The best part so far has been their "night game." Mike and I had to pay to get in and they had them playing the full court (they usually just play half) The music was pumping and Caleigh begged to buy candy at the card table concession stand all night. It was really a lot of fun. There were even cheerleaders!

We'll have to see if either of them wants to play again next year, but this year was pretty fun.

1 comment:

Shannon and Family said...

That looks like a lot of fun! Carter can't wait to be able to play basketball. He can't play until he is 6. He comes to my basketball games with me to watch the girls play, but he just wants to come to bounce the ball and try to make baskets during the breaks.