Friday, April 2, 2010

Where do you belong?

Griffin, Elliot and I were killing time while we waited for the twins to be done with piano lessons. We stopped at a discount store, where they sell random things. We walked up and down all the aisles. One of the aisles we walked down was filled with outdoors sculptures. Things like bears, fishing men, wolves, you get the picture. Really not my style, but Griffin loved it.

He said, "Mom, this reminds me of the cabin. Pause... I belong at the cabin, I just love it. Mom, where do you belong?" I didn't really put much thought in my reply since I was shopping and I tend to get tunnel vision when shopping. (But, looking back I would stick with my answer, taking in account all my family is close by.) "I belong at the beach." Then Griffin spotted the nautical aisle filled with seashells and boats... "Okay Mom, here's your aisle." said with a giggle.

I just love my Griffin. He's so insightful and sensitive to people. He is discovering things he likes about himself and loves spending time reading, drawing, and doing sports. He read a new book to me yesterday while I painted. He is so kind and I look forward to watching him grow up.

1 comment:

Shannon and Family said...

I am totally with you on the nautical things. I love the ocean, but I don't have the luxury of being so close to one as you do.