Saturday, April 3, 2010

Happy Easter-photo shoot.

I laugh every time I type "photo shoot" like I'm some fancy-shmanzy photographer. Yup, me and my point-and-shoot Cannon, commin at ya. Oh, and don't forget my mad Picasa skills. Ha, ha, ha.

Anyway, I do have a favorite spot to do our Easter photos. Last year is was warm, but there were HUGE ants. This year, thankfully no ants, but it was cold. Brrrr Oh well, it's still fun to get a shot of the kids. Elliot was our most uncooperative participant. It really was too cold, when will I learn? I even resorted to saying "potty words" to try and make her smile (she is in that potty words are funny stage). Normally this is discouraged, but I was desperate. If you look carefully you can tell the one where she is saying "poop." So funny.



Titus Fam said...

ADORABLE!!! Your kids always look the cutest on Easter and Christmas. Way to go. I love it.

I totally didn't do anything because general conference was on Easter Sunday. What a bum I am. I just think, "I don't get to buy any cute Easter dresses" - but I really could do something dapper like you do with your boys. It's just my laziness excuse.

The Crazy Heads said...

I love it!!!!! Your kids are adorable. Whenever you get them all looking it is a good day! Don't hide your mad-skillz you Cannon dominator!