Tuesday, April 20, 2010

toothless Griffin

Griffin finally pulled out his two front teeth. They have been wiggling around in his head for quite a while now. So after a few tears and several tries he finally got those teeth out. He looks pretty funny and sound pretty cute. I'm sure his speech therapist is frustrated since they are working on the "th" sound. They'll just have to concentrate on the "J" sound instead.

I'm proud of Griffin and of the toothfairy, who finally decided to visit our house. She got pretty creative hiding the money in the bathroom one time, but I think she has some faithful followers in our house again.

Good Job Griff, can't wait to see how the new pearly whites look.


Retired and Happy said...

Griffin I love toothless grins. You should she Ali she has teeth missing and new ones coming in. Griffin keep smiling and you will get better at baseball.

Michelle said...

Shawn says: I am surprised you lost your front teeth. What did the tooth fairy bring to you? Did you get money or did you get candy?What are you in baseball, or ponies league (that's what they call our age in Montana)? I am in ponies, just to tell ya, but we havn't had practice yet. I hope it is soon. I excited to see you in August! love, Shawn