Caleigh has been growing her hair out and I have been begging her to cut it (not herself, we've had problems with that in the past). She has gorgeous hair, it just looks scraggly half the time. This morning she decided she was ready, they cut off 71/2 inches which means we will be able to send it of to Locks of Love. I love this little pip-squeak with short hair. Too cute.
Tell Caleigh I LOVE the new hair!!!
I love the new hair cut! I had Ashlynn's cut a few weeks ago. I think it fits her personality so well.
We are in diffrent corners. I've been begging Taeya to grow her hair out. She loves it short. Oh all that beautiful hair. But it does look super cute short. And what a great cause.
Caleigh, what a good thing you did for somebody else.
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