Thursday, February 28, 2008

Tagged Again!!!

So I never was good at games as a kid. I guess some things never change, because my sister-in-law Tiffany tagged me so here goes...

Regarding me and my husband:

How long did you date? We started dating a week after Mike proposed to me.

How old is he? the big 3-0

How old are you? 9 and 20

Who eats more sweets? Me!!! I have inherited my mothers addiction for chocolate. It's not really dessert unless it's chocolate.

Who said I love you first? Mike said to me the night he proposed "I think I love you..." does that count?

Who is taller? Mike

Who can sing better? Mike thinks he's Pavarotti in the shower (and at the dinner table), but I don't think the ward choir will be recruiting him anytime soon. I can hold my own.

Who is smarter? We all know the answer to that (but don't tell Mike, he's kind of sensitive).

Who does the laundry? Me, 2 loads everyday. It's the first thing I do in the morning, put in a load of laundry.

Who does the dishes? Mostly me and the kids, but during the summer Mike makes himself a chore chart and helps out with everything.

Guilty pleasures? TV and Movies. We love to sit down and snuggle and watch a movie together.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? My right or yours?

Who mows the lawn? Mike believes in a "natural" look in the yard. So I do the mowing.

Who cooks dinner? Cafe Ole, Applebee's and the the Cheesecake factory. If it's Mike's night to cook, then it's Panda or Blimpies.

Who is more stubborn? I'm more stubborn but, Mike will never admit it.

Who kissed who first? Mike-it was a peck. He says that's all I needed to fall in love with him.

Who asked who out first? Well, I got my brother to tell Mike to ask me out, so you decide.

Who proposed? Mike proposed after the "I think I love you" comment " I think I want to marry you." He told me to take all the time I needed to decide, then he called me three hours later demanding an answer.

Who has more siblings? Mike

Who wears the pants? Mike wears the pants, but I pick them out first.

What is your favorite thing about him? Mike thinks he's not a romantic, and most would agree with him. On the surface he doesn't come across as a very sensitive guy. I never get flowers on Valentines day, or 'just because' surprises. Now I realize I wouldn't have it any other way, Mike is my Mr. Darcy.


Tracy said...

LOL. I think I just learned more about you and Mike than I have the entire time you've been married. Can't say that any of it comes as a surprise!

Quail Ridge Travelers said...

Send him back home to learn the romance and flower giving thing.
His Father has finally learned it and is now ready to share with his son's.

The Crazy Heads said...

Laura, I think that was the best "get to know you" I have ever read. Thanks for sharing. Sorry I made you do it.