Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The last leg of our trip

(I am so behind on my blogging, so I will try to catch up soon. This is the last vacation post, so enjoy...)

We had so much fun in Boise with our family and friends just seeing them all and being able to hug them and laugh with them was wonderful. But we could come home without a little time in SLC (or Layton to be exact). We wanted to spend our last few days playing with the Utah Peterson. Matt and Shannon just bought a house in Layton and were wonderful to house our big family. They hosted a BBQ for us with all the Peterson family that lives in Utah. Tracy, Craig and Gail and their family all came. Mikes parents flew down from Boise too. It was so nice to be together.

The next day we went to Lagoon and closed the park down. We had fun on all the rides. My kids were not the bravest, but they did warm up to the medium sized rides. Caleigh was particularly grumpy, but would laugh during any ride. We had a great time.

The next day we toured the Hillforce Aerospace musuem. The planes/jets were huge and the boys especially loved this tour. We ended the day with dinner at Famous Daves and a impromptu talent show at Craig and Gails house. The twins played piano, followed by the amazing Gail, and Annie sang for us. Everyone else was probed and prodded to join in, but to no avail. What a great time we had and hope the memories will last us for the next few years.

1 comment:

Shannon and Family said...

We enjoyed our time with you! Thanks for fitting us in your vacation!