Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My Griffin, Miles, Caleigh, and Elliot

Griffin wins the award for making me feel the most special on Mothers day. He woke me up at 7:30 with breakfast in bed (toast, cereal and a glass of ice water). With a home made note, "to Mom, love Griffin" He carried it up the stairs on a tray as slow as he could, so he wouldn't spill. Then when I came downstairs, he had made a fort for me, with a sign that read, "beware of the Mom monster." Not sure what that sign meant, but the fort looked fun. He also straightened up the living room and told me the whole day what a great Mom I was.

What a great kid! Miles, not to be outdone, made me some eggs when he woke up a hour later. I was a little nervous watching me 8 year old, use the stove for the first time, but he did a great job, and now wants to make eggs every morning.

Caleigh made me multiply cards and pictures of me and her under rainbows. She really puts all of her love in her art, so I could really appreciate all the details.

And Elliot, made my day, but writing her name for the first time. I was so impressed, we have only worked on it once before, and she sat down and wrote it all by herself in perfect letters.(well, perfect 3 year old letters). We will definitely be working on more writing now that I know she's ready. She loves "rhyme time" and wants to rhyme every time we get in the car.

Happy Mothers day to me. Oh and Mike drew me a wonderful card in priesthood. And he's been great at looking the other way this whole past week as I've been buying like crazy things for the new house.

1 comment:

Titus Fam said...

So glad you had a good one! This reminded me that I forgot to post about mine. I'll have to do that. Way to go Grif! And I love that Mike drew a card for you in Preisthood. What a guy! (But looking the other way when you buy things is a GREAT gift.