Saturday, November 26, 2011

Elephant-locs and the loving family.

 Caleigh took these photos and is waiting for me to print them off, she plans on writing a story with them, something like this....

One day the loving family went out for a walk while their cupcakes cooled.  Elephant-locs wandered in and enjoyed the cooled cupcakes.

Then he watched some TV.

Then he posted on facebook, "just ate cupcakes...yum."  

And when he heard the washer ding, he rotated laundry to the dryer.

Then he took a long deserved nap until...

The loving family returned and found him in their bed!  Look how shocked they are with their hands raised up. 

 Ha ha ha, Caleigh is so creative, I can't wait to read her version.

Elephant-loc played by "Ellie" the elephant
The loving family played by themselves


Melissa said...

This is so cute!

Tracy said...

I want a copy of the book when she finishes! So cute. Tell her I need new artwork for my fridge.