Friday, December 17, 2010

Can we open presents now?

Ever since the tree went up Thanksgiving weekend, Elliot asks everyday, "Can we open presents now?" How hard it is to be 3 and have to wait for SO LONG to open your Christmas presents.

I saw on my SIL's blog, my nephew Carter had this wonderful Santa advent calender. I thought it would help Elliot be a little more patient. She had fun coloring and glueing her very own advent calender. But the next day she found the cotton balls and glue and filled Santa's beard almost full! I guess she thought if she just glued on all those cotton balls she would finally get to open up her presents.

Sorry Elliot, you still have to wait.


Melissa said...

How cute! She is soooo beautiful! I feel bad for Lydia, she has to wait for Christmas and her birthday 5 days later. Torture!

Shannon and Family said...

Hey, that is the same Santa we have. You and Carter's teacher must go to the same websites. Carter was excited that Elliott has one too.