One of our family traditions is to hit the store, the Christmas Dove, around Thanksgiving. It gets us all excited for Christmas, and my kids love to play with the trains! I don't think I've really taken good pictures of this store, it is amazing.
It was great to take Gma and Gpa Head there this year. They've been before (truly, I love this store, I take everyone whose willing). Any way each of the kids got to sit on "Santa's" lap and have their annual picture taken. Mall Santas still scare them, but this Santa is a no-threat Santa.
We also had the kids write non tradition Santa letters this year. Instead of just writing down what they wanted, we asked them to write "why" they deserved presents at all. I can't find Caleighs letter (her room is the bermuda triangle for things, I'm sure she knows right where it is.) But I wanted to write down Miles and Griffin's letters...

Miles letter:
Dear Santa, this year was a good year. It had it's up, downs, slantways, sideways, square ways, and any other ways you can think of! (from Charlie and the Chocolate factory). I deserve presents because:
-I did service for others
-I didn't fight
-I gought good grades (B counts, doesn't it?)
Sincerely, Miles Peterson

Griffin's letter:
To Santa and elfs
Dear Santa I think I was good through the last few month. I gust want books I nede to be smart. I also want some lego sets. Santa I know that we give you cookies and people give the randers food but I don't think thats a noth. So I'm gowing to say wut i'm thankful for: I'm thankful for Santa and the randers and the elfs and Mrs. Claus and your sled the big bag the north pole and winter and Christmas. all this things i'm thankful for are the true meaning of winters. So I hope you check that list twice and see who is noty or nice because you are coming to town.
Sincerely, Griffin.

Elliot said to me:
Merry Christmas Santa. Ho ho ho. I want presents because I wrote lots of letters to you.

I'll add Caleigh's letter when I find it...
Found It!!!
Dear Santa,
I know I wasn't very nice this year, but I think I still should get presents this Christmas. Because I was still nice to people sometimes. Please leave anything that you think will make me happy. Thanks!
Caleigh P.