Monday, August 23, 2010

Seeing our dear friends

Our first week of vacation in Boise we were able to meet up with our dear friends the Tituses. They were in Twin Falls for a wedding and we decided to split the distance and meet up in Glens Ferry, ID for brunch. My sweet parents came along for the ride. We all ran from our cars when we saw each other. It's so nice seeing them all again. Emily had found a little cafe on the internet, which is a good thing, because there is not much in Glens Ferry.

We had all changed so much in our absence... Just kidding, aren't these mustaches hilarious? They had a machine that sold them. Of course I had to buy some.
Isn't this cafe awesome? It's exactly what you would picture for a small Idaho town. We were all quite noisy, and the kids loved the box of toys in the corner, but it was so fun to see each other. I'm so grateful for friends that would drive out of their way just to spend brunch with us.

After we parted ways with our friends we headed to a small Oregon trail museum there in Glens Ferry (who knew there was more to GF than just potatoe fields?). It was a great little musuem and we learned a little bit about the Native Americans and early pioneers. The kids loved the wagon out front, and Elliot kept trying to climb in the Native American displays.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

There is also a gas station in Glenns Ferry that I was very grateful for the other day.
I am sorry we weren't able to hook up with you while you were here. I am glad you had so much fun.