Friday, June 10, 2011

Flashback Friday

I have been slacking in my blog.  Mostly because we are wicked (I know Mike, I said it) busy right now.  But there are so many fun memories that pop into my head ten times a day.  So here's my flash back today...

When Caleigh was 3 or 4 she got annoyed with Miles one day.  And in her efforts to convey her feelings she coined this phrase..."Miles, you're ticking off my nerds"

We recently remembered this story and now, we crack each other up by saying.  "You're ticking off my nerds."

It especially runs through my mind as I'm doing tick checks on my kids.  We've already had 3 this season.  And a few just creepy crawling around.  It doesn't freak me out as much as it used to, mostly I just think as I'm tweezing them , "you're ticking off my nerds."

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I love it! Can we use it too? Not to upset Miles but I ask Shawn if he wants to scream into his bag whenenver he gets grumpy. He just gives me a weird look. I love the funny things that your kids do!