Friday, July 19, 2013

A River Runs Through It

A few months ago my friend Rhonda invited our family to go rafting...if anyone really knows me I am not a adventurous person and the idea of "rafting" scares me.  And I REALLY don't like water that has fish in it.  I love to sit by the ocean and watch my kids play in the sand, and occasionally I will boogie board in the waves, but I'm not really a lake or river person.  So I told her, "thank you, but we can't"  

But she persisted, assuring me it would be a fun, LAZY, day.  So I changed my mind and we went.  It was a fun day.  The river was so peaceful and I snacked on cookies and watermelon while we floated along.  The kids had the best time ever.  They loved it and wanted to know when we could go again.  

It was very fun to have Randy Rooker as our guide, and supplier of rafts.  He is so laid back and happy all the time.  The Campbell family also joined us,as well as Todd Rooker.  And Rhonda, Scott, and their cute kiddos.  

Thanks Rhonda for talking me into it.  I do like Rafting, I do! I would do it here or there, I would do it anywhere...okay not anywhere.  As long as it's a "Lazy River."

1 comment:

Shannon and Family said...

You are so BRAVE! Glad you had a great time!