Thursday, April 28, 2011


We are anxiously waiting for babies! My SILs Tiffany and Michelle are both expecting girls due on the same day. This will be Tiff's 5th baby and Michelle's 1st. Ahhh, I wish I was close so I could hold these new babes within their first hours. So good luck to Tiff and Michelle...we'll be thinking about you and hoping all goes well.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Fastest thing on 2 wheels

Mike and Elliot decided she was ready to get rid of the training wheels. I was not looking forward to hanging on to the back of her seat. But she didn't even need me. She just hopped on and slowly started riding. she tipped over a bunch, but she could reach the ground easily enough. By the end of the week she was going out and riding all by herself. Love this girls determination.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Caleigh and Softball

Caleigh's first game went great. She only got up to bat once, and ended up getting hit in the head with the ball. Which meant she made it to first base!!! I was so proud.

She had a smile on her face the whole game. Can't wait for the rest of the season.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter 2011

Easter sort of sneaked up on us this year. Luckily the Easter bu
nny was prepared. The kids all got little kites, bubbles, sidewalk chalk (for the girls) and marshmallow shooters (for the boys) in their baskets. It was a beautiful day.

We had a wonderful meal with our dear friends the Huntings after church and it was Steves birthday, so Mary brought yummy cupcakes!

I didn't really sit the kids down for an Easter photo shoot this year, but Griffin was grumpy about his black shirt. He said, "Mom, black isn't a spring color." I know Griff, but black shirts match Elliots outfit, and Caleigh's dress matches Elliot's outfit and I just can't not have matching outfits. Poor Griff.

Mike and I have always been lucky to have good friends, and Steve and Mary and their three kids are no exception. They are so fun to be around. Mary told Steve to fix his pants, because they were tucked into the flap of his shoe, but...

Steve just had to take it one step farther. Hilarious.
But then Mary showed off her cute white socks with her black shoes...doesn't everyone do that? They crack me up!

Friday, April 22, 2011

What we've been doing lately

Our days have been flying by with baseball/softball practices and sewing projects. I'm so grateful to have been given my wonderful sewing machine and have finally been using it daily! I've been quilting/making the girls summer skirts/ and recently making monsters (I'll post about those later...their not quiet done.) The kids are the most grateful recipients of my projects. They LOVE everything I do, and they never look for the mistakes. They don't realize that the measurements were wrong, the seams aren't straight, the thread color is off, and most projects end up taking me way longer than an average sewer. It makes me so happy to make them something. Elliot's showing off her new Market Skirt. I heart the pockets, and they weren't too hard to make.

On a side note, the weather has been crappy and softball/baseball practices have been semi-miserable for the kids. It's cold and their little fingers and faces are numb for hours after. Miles especially doesn't seem to be enjoying the outfield as snowflakes swirl around him. Poor guy. And mean old me keeps saying, "Don't start crying, I know it's cold, but you really don't want to start crying in front of your team." I'll snap some pictures as soon as the uniforms come in and the kids are all geared up.

Griffin's season hasn't even started! So I can't imagine what adding his schedule will be like. He is the most determined guy. We are out everyday practicing throwing and catching. He almost hardly drops the ball now and he's throws are getting farther. Can't wait to see him in action.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Hello to our Dear Friend

Ethan, Micheal, Christopher you good boys, we just miss and love you.