Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

We had a wonderful Christmas Eve and Day. We missed family and friends very much, but had wonderful people to spend the holiday with. The Huntings hosted a great Christmas Eve party with Fondue (of course) and a chocolate fountain. The children entertained us with dancing and carols. It was so much fun.

After the par-tay we headed home to open one present and then to get the kids in bed. The girls made beds in the boys room and they all fell asleep by 9 pm. Wish that would happen every night

Then after weeks of waiting it was finally Christmas morning. The kids were wonderful. They were so grateful for all of their presents, and they were wonderful at sharing with each other. It was a great Christmas morning (with breakfast burrito) and tons of wrapping paper everywhere! Griffin and Caleigh had been busy all week making presents for everyone. Not only did Griffin make things for Mike and I but he also gave every one in the family one of his most prized possession. I was the recipients of his sea glass collection. I am so grateful for my wonderful family.


Quail Ridge Travelers said...

I loved the hats, they're great.
I noticed with all her new gifts Elliot had her faithful friend the elephant near by.

Janessa said...

Looks like you enjoyed christmas and christmas eve. Your kids are growing up way too fast. I remember when we came to visit and the twins were just babies:)Have a good New years!-Janessa

Titus Fam said...

Merry Christmas! Looks like so much fun.